Monday, January 26, 2015

Nebraska Family Times Verse of the Year!

Along with being the author of the book "Home is Where the Mom Is; A Christian Mom's Guide to Caring for Yourself, Your Family, and Your Home," I'm also the editor and publisher of the "Nebraska Family Times" monthly regional newspaper, with the mission "to inspire, encourage and motivate readers on their Christian walk." 

To encourage you on your Christian walk in 2015, we are encouraging readers to memorize Bible verses. At the end of this post read how you can receive three FREE verse cards of our verse of the year! 

NFT Verse of the Year 2015
By Shelly Burke, Editor

We have chosen Romans 12:2 as the Nebraska Family Times verse of the year. You’ll find a graphic of this verse every month on the Editor’s Letter page, starting next month; I encourage you to cut it out and hang it where you’ll see it frequently. This verse is also the verse for the Scripture Memory Challenge for January. Receive your FREE verse card; see details at the end of this post. 

Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

We are constantly encouraged to conform to this world, by what we see, what we hear, what we read—by everything around us. Sins of the world—what is acceptable and even encouraged in the world—can gradually, without us even realizing it, change our viewpoint until we have conformed to the world, rather than what the Lord commands and expects of us.

How can we be transformed and renew our mind? First we must discern what is the will of God. To do this, go directly to the source—His Word, the Bible. Despite being written several thousand years ago, the Bible provides us with the basic principles to make God-pleasing decisions in any situation. The best way to know His will is to read and study His Word. As you read, study and memorize, the instructions and directions and principles will move from your head…to your heart. You’ll automatically know what is the right thing to do in every situation in your day to day life.

What are some other things you can do to renew your mind?
  • Worship. As you gather with others in God’s house, you’ll learn more about Him in the company and with the support of fellow believers.
  •  Pray. When you communicate with the Lord regularly, you will become more attuned to hearing His voice, knowing what He expects, and you will feel His leading.
  •   Memorize His Word. Several articles in this issue of the Nebraska Family Times emphasize the importance of doing so.

To receive three FREE verse of the year cards (why three? See the Scripture Memory Challenge post) 
e-mail your name and mailing address to 

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