Monday, April 30, 2012

A to Z Blogging "Zoo and Other Ideas for Summer Fun"

Zoo…and Other Ideas for Summer Fun”
By Shelly Burke, Editor and Publisher

WOW—I can’t believe today is the last day of the A to Z Blogging Challenge! It has been a lot of fun! I’ve found some great new blogs and made some new online friends. The Challenge forced me to write and blog every day—on two blogs! After doing it twice a day (except for Sundays) I’m getting very good at posting on the new Blogger format and on Facebook as well. I’m thrilled to have more followers, too! I prayed that the A to Z Challenge would be successful for me and my businesses and it has been. I plan to continue to blog on a regular basis (not every day, but 2-3 times a week) so check back often or sign up for e-mail notifications whenever a new post appears.

School will be out in just a few weeks! With the more relaxed rhythm of summer you’re probably planning some family outings—and your kids are probably excited to have time to do activities there isn’t time for during the school year.

Regardless of the age of your kids, start making a summer fun list now! When our kids were young, we put our summer fun list on the refrigerator and added to it almost every day. We listed little things—like walk downtown for ice cream—as well as bigger activities like spending a day at the zoo.

Be sure to include a variety of activities—ones that take just a few minutes and those that take all day…activities that are free and those that have a cost…fun things to do in your own town and some that require travel. Then fit them in during the summer as time and budget allow.

Here are some of our favorite summer fun activities. I’m planning to enjoy some of them this summer with our family! Cody is finishing up his sophomore year of college and Morgan will be going to college in the fall, so I’m planning to make a lot of fun memories this summer.

  • Staying up late and sitting out on the deck with all of the house lights off. As our eyes adjust to the darkness it’s amazing to see the stars, meteors, and so on. (It used to be the kids who got tired when staying up late…now it’s Tim and I!)
  • Sitting outside to watch the fireflies as it gets dark.
  • Getting ice cream and eating it in the park.
  • Spending the day at the zoo.
  • Visiting other Nebraska attractions; check out the Chamber of Commerce in area towns to see what’s available; you’ll be surprised at what you can do close to home.
  • Trying new recipes. I really enjoyed teaching Cody and Morgan about cooking!

Start your summer fun list today—and you’ll make some fantastic memories this summer!

What are your ideas for summer fun? Share them in the comments! 

I’m also blogging today at My post there is titled “Zebras and Other Evidence of God’s Love for Us”