Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A to Z Blogging--Q is for Quirks

Quirky Things about Me

"For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:13-14

I’m glad God made us all different—and that includes our individual (sometimes weird) quirks. Here are some of mine.

 Bananas must be at the perfect state of ripeness for me to eat them; they can’t be green, but can’t have too many brown spots either. I think, in my eyes, they are at that “perfect” state for about an hour. When I get them at the grocery store I take one or two bananas of various states of ripeness, off of several bunches, so their “perfect ripeness” time is staggered. I found out recently that my sister Deb shares the “bananas must be at the perfect state of ripeness” requirement, so maybe it’s genetic.

Eggs. I do not eat eggs if I can recognize them—scrambled, hard boiled, omelets., etc. The reason? When I was about seven years old my dad told me that eggs were “unborn baby chickens.” He is, of course, correct…but that concept grossed me out so much that now I cannot eat them. I really wish I could because they are cheap, nutritious, and can be prepared so many ways…but I just can’t.

Swimming in a lake. When I was a kid our family vacationed with my grandparents at a lake resort in “fish go to the bathroom in the lake.” Well of course they do…where else would they? But in my mind, I didn’t want to swim in fish pee.
northern Wisconsin. I LOVED swimming in the lake…until my grandfather told me that

Color coded calendars. I have several calendars and color-code them all; green ink for my work hours, red ink to note birthdays and anniversaries and blue or black for everything else. When my kids were home I had a color for each of their activities, and for family activities as well. It really helps me keep track of things with only a glance at the calendar!

Sticky notes. I love sticky notes of every size, shape, color and design. Trouble is, when I want to write something on one it has to be written on the “perfect” one—so I usually have to search for one of the perfect size, color and design.

I procrastinate about the weirdest things. I’m almost compulsive about being on time or even early to appointments, church, and so on. However, I procrastinate about the silliest things. A few weeks ago the lightbulb in my closet burned out. Dreading the process of finding a screwdriver to get the light cover off, finding something to stand on (I’m really short and my stepstool wasn’t enough), getting the old lightbulb out, new lightbulb in, screwing the light cover back on…I put off this *very difficult and time-consuming task* for…at least 17 days

The time it took me to complete the task, including locating the screwdriver, finding something to stand on, getting the light cover off AND back on, taking the old lightbulb out and putting the new one in, putting the screwdriver away…literally, less than 3 minutes. Another example—I’m also doing the A to Z Blogging Challenge atNebraska Family Times. I started in April (as I did on this blog) but put off finishing until today. When I went to the blog to see what letter I was to, and how many letters I still had to blog about, and found that the ONLY entry I needed was…”Z”. I put off doing the very last letter for almost 3 months. Yep, that’s part of being Shelly, I guess!

What makes you unique? In the comments below, share one of your favorite quirks!


  1. I loved this! I am not sure that I have anything unique about me. Anyway I cannot think of any off the top of my head. I will have to think about it as I do like to write so might be able to get some on paper. Hey i thought of one...I like to write poetry and sometimes a line or two comes to me during the night and I have to get up and quick write it down. Now that could be classified as very wierd also. :)

    1. Thanks for your comment, Lynn! Many times I wake up in the middle of the night with a great thought...but I fall asleep before I write it down, and then of course can't remember it the next day. I'm glad you enjoyed the post! Keep thinking about your quirks... :-)


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